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Hugo.arg (ndɔncɔɔlɩyɛ | tambasɩ)
Annulation des modifications 14165 de (discussion)
Wonuu Yʋsʋʋ: Annulation
Caŋa 1:
[[Fichier:Sikh_Articles_of_Faith.JPG|vignette|Sikh Articles of Faith]]
Do not stick pencil lead down your pee pee hole.
[[Fichier:Pilgrims_inside_the_Golden_Temple_(9693310904).jpg|vignette|Pilgrims inside the Golden Temple (9693310904)]]
[[Fichier:Pilgrims_inside_the_Golden_Temple_(9690069309).jpg|vignette|Pilgrims inside the Golden Temple (9690069309)]]
Sɩkɩsmɩ, pɩkɛ Ɛsɔ sɛtʊ ŋgbɛyɛ nɖɩ ɖɩsɩma Ɛsɔ kʊyʊm koŋ, patʊlɩ-ɖɩ nɛ [[Ɛndɩ]] nɛ hayi kiŋ ɛjaɖɛ kpaɣɖʊ 15 pɩtɩŋna Gurû Nanak yɔɔ. Tɔmʊʊ ਸਿੱਖ (Sikkh) kɛ Punjabi tɔmpiye ɖɩ-ɖɩ lɩna sanskrit kʊnʊŋ taa mbʊ se शिष्यः (śiṣya) pʊ-tɔbʊʊ tɔm mʊyʊ yaa sukuli pɩɣa sɔsɔ yaa शिक्ष (śikṣa), pʊ-tɔbʊʊ se sukuli yaa kpɛlɛkɩtʊ. Matʊ paɣtʊ taa lɛ pɩpɩsɩ tɔbʊʊ nɩɣʊ taa se ɛsɔ kalɩzaɣ.
Guru Nnak (1469-1539), ɛnʊ tʊlɩna Sɩkɩsmɩ ɛsɔ sɛtʊ ŋgbɛyɛ, palʊla-ɩ Talwandi haɖaa taa, tɛtʊ ndʊ payaɣ sɔnɔ se Nankana Sahib, pʊñɔtɩna Lahore, nɔɔnɔɔ [[Pakisitaanɩ|Pakɩstan]] tɛtʊ taa. Ɛ-ñɩma kɛ punjabi ɛyaa nɛ palɩna tadɩyɛ laɖaa cejewiye naɖɩyɛ taa kɛnɛ kɛlɛ paya-wɛ se Punjab Khatri waa. Ɖooo Guru Nanak pɩcatʊ taa lɛ, ɛɛsɔɔlɩ ɛsɔ tɔm nɛ ɛwɛna kpɛlɛkɩtʊ tɛ ɛhʊʊyɛ.
I was curious after showering and saw that my mechanical pencil was on the sink (probably from my pant pocket). Don’t know what made me do it, but I thought it would be a good idea to open it up and stick the pencil lead down my pee pee hole. It went in quite easily and I was about to take it out thinking it was a bad idea, but I couldn’t actually pick up the lead. It was a good 3-4 millimetres down and I was starting to panic. I immediately went to a drawer under the sink and got out a pair of tweezers and began trying to pull it out.
Pɩnzɩ ɖɛ sakɩyɛ ɛ-nɔmɔŋ ɖɔm taa mbʊ Guru Nanak kpeɣli ɛyaa nabayɛ com nɛ pɩpɩsɩ haɖaa tɛtʊ, Kartarpur, pɩkɛ kiɖe tʊ tɛtʊ sɔsɔtʊ. Ɛkpɛlɛkʊʊ ɛyaa piŋ nɛ pɩɩka-ɩ kaʊʊ kɛlɛ ɛyaa sakɩyɛ sakɩyɛ kɔŋ ɛ-tɔm ɖɩkpɛkɩyɛ taa. Kɛlɛ ɛtɔŋ se Ɛsɔ sɛtʊ ŋgbɛyɛ pɩkɛ pɩyʊ pikpeɣluu ɛyaa yɔ, kɛlɛ pɩ-taa peeɖe lɛ ɛkɔɔ ɛna se peeɖe ɖɔɖɔ yekina nɛ ɛyaa kʊyʊʊ nɛ ɖama, pɩlakɩ yoŋ, nɛ ɛyaa cɩyʊʊ ɖama, patʊkʊʊ ɖama halaa nɛ abalaa, cejewa, ɛsɔ sɛtʊ aŋgba ndɩ ndɩ lɩɣ, pɩyasɩɣ mɩzasɩ.
It was at this point that it started to sting. Oh it stung like fire, relentless waves and waves of throbbing pain struck me as I, on the verge of tears kept trying to get it out. I only pushed it further in with the tweezers. The pain grew more and I was really panicking now. It felt as if there was acid inside. I turned on the sink and tried washing it out but to no avail. At this point I was ready to just have a breakdown.
Guru Nanak ha ɛsɛ cejewa wɛtʊ. Kɛlɛ ɛ-tɔm mʊyaa ñatɩŋ-ɩ se ɛɛɛ ɛnʊ kɛna pa-wɩlɩyʊ nɛ ɛkɛ Guru. Pʊcɔ ɛ-sɩm alɩwaatʊ lɛ, ɛwɩlɩ Guru kɩfalʊ nɔɔyʊ, weyi ɛkaɣ-ɩ lɛɛzʊʊ ɛ-sɩm wayi se eɖiyi ŋgbɛyɛ nɖɩ yɔ. Hiu nɛ kpaagbaa tʊ tɛ guru, ɛlɛ yɔ Guru Gobind Singh (1666-1708) ɛlɛ ñɔsɔzɩ lɩm sɔʊ paɣtʊ Sikh waa tɛ pɩnaɣ 1699.
Standing there, drenched in water, my manly part on fire as I bit my knee, trying to get a hold of myself. The pain was so bad that I just wanted to cut it all off. I looked around again and saw that there was nothing else that could help me, and I did the only thing I knew how to do.
I sat there, and took the single most painful fap I had ever taken in my entire life. When I finally went off, the pencil lead, now broken in 3 and covered with what looked like blood came out with the cum. It looked terrible but almost immediately the pain stopped and I just sat there, a failed man, covered in my own cum and blood, and cried silently for about 5 minutes.
Lesson learned: NEVER stick pencil lead down your pee pee hole.