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Hugo.arg (ndɔncɔɔlɩyɛ | tambasɩ)
Annulation des modifications 14167 de (discussion)
Wonuu Yʋsʋʋ: Annulation
Caŋa 1:
Nɩhɔnɩyɔm (yʊsaɣ mayaɣ kɔyɔ Nh) kɛ kpɛlɩ kpɛlɛkʊʊ tɛ pʊtʊ weyi ɛ-ñʊʊ mayaɣ kɔyɔ 113 yɔ. IUPAC tɛ ɖeyi ɖeyi yatʊ taa lɛ ɛ nɛ ʊnʊntrɩyɔm (Uut) palɩ ɖama, kɛlɛ patasɩ-ɩ yaʊ se pʊtʊ 113 matʊ paɣtʊ taa. Palaba-ɩ kajalaɣ ɖeɖe hasɩyaɖɛ fenaɣ taa pɩnaɣ 2004 pɩtɩŋna pɛkpɛnda ɛ nɛ 209Bi(70Zn,n)278Nh kɛ RIKEN, pɩñɔtɩna Tokyo.
Do not stick pencil lead down your pee pee hole.
IUPAC ñɩɣ nesi ɛ-natʊ tɔm RIKEN saŋayɩŋ fenaɣ taa pɩnaɣ 2015, nɛ paha-ɩ ɛ-hɩɖɛ kpaagbaa nɖɛ kamɩŋ fenaɣ pɩnaɣ 2016 ɛlɛ pɛkɛdɩna Japɔŋ ɛjaɖɛ, peeɖe paana-ɩ kajalaɣ ɖeɖe keekee. Pɩɩkɛ pʊtʊ Mendeleïv kaayɔɔda ɛ-tɔm, kɛlɛ ɛlɛ ñaaya-ɩ se eka-talɩyɔm. Kiɖe tɛɛ nɩɣ taa lɛ, krɛkɩ nɛ latɛŋ kʊnʊmɩŋ taa lɛ, pama ɛ-hɩɖɛ nɛ tɔmpee naatozo, ana yɔ kʊyʊm-kʊyʊm-naatozo nɛ pɔsɔzɩ kɩzɔzʊʊ ɛsɩnda kɛ ɩyɔm ɖɔɖɔ ɛzɩ pʊtʊnaa kpɛlɩ kpɛlɛkʊʊ tɛ pʊtʊnaa lalaa yɔ.
I was curious after showering and saw that my mechanical pencil was on the sink (probably from my pant pocket). Don’t know what made me do it, but I thought it would be a good idea to open it up and stick the pencil lead down my pee pee hole. It went in quite easily and I was about to take it out thinking it was a bad idea, but I couldn’t actually pick up the lead. It was a good 3-4 millimetres down and I was starting to panic. I immediately went to a drawer under the sink and got out a pair of tweezers and began trying to pull it out.
Lɛlaɣ fenaɣ kɩyakʊ kajalaɣ ŋgʊ wiye pɩnaɣ 2004, pehiɣ nɩhɔnɩyɔm nɛ mɔsɩkɔvɩyɔm pɩtɩŋna Russe lɛɣtʊ tɩnaa nabayɛ ŋgbɛyɛ yɔɔ (palɩna pɩdaa pee yɔɔ ñɩnɩɣ ŋgbɛyɛ kɩkpɛndɩyɛ, JINR) nɛ Amerika ɛjaɖɛ Lawrence Livermore LLNL takɩɣ nɛ wiluu tʊmɩyɛ taa. UICPA ñɩɣ nesi natʊ tɔm ndʊ tɩyɔɔ saŋayɩŋ fenaɣ kɩyakʊ 30 pɩnaɣ 2015.
It was at this point that it started to sting. Oh it stung like fire, relentless waves and waves of throbbing pain struck me as I, on the verge of tears kept trying to get it out. I only pushed it further in with the tweezers. The pain grew more and I was really panicking now. It felt as if there was acid inside. I turned on the sink and tried washing it out but to no avail. At this point I was ready to just have a breakdown.
Pɩkɔma salaŋ fenaɣ pɩnaɣ 2012 lɛ, Japɔŋ ŋgbɛyɛ naɖɩyɛ (Wakō, Saitama egeetiye pɩñɔtɩna Tokyo) susuu se palaba 113 tɛ ŋñɩɩ kɔtɩɩ waa naatozo, ɛlɛ pɩkpaɣ-wɛ alɩwaatʊ ɛzɩ kɩyakɩŋ mɩnɩŋ kagbanzɩ nɛ nɩnɩwa nɛ naatozo mbʊ yɔ, pɔyɔkaɣ bɩmʊtɩ hɔɔlʊʊ nakʊyʊ pɩtɩŋna zɩnkɩ tɛ ŋñɩɩ kɔtɩɩ waa yɔɔ.UICPA ñɩɣ nesi RIKEN ŋgbɛyɛ natʊ tɔm saŋayɩŋ fenaɣ 30 pɩnaɣ 2015. Japɔŋ ŋgbɛyɛ yana hɩla, nɛ pʊwɛ ɛzɩ pɛkɛdɩnaa, kɛlɛ payaa se japɔnɩyɔm (Jp).
Standing there, drenched in water, my manly part on fire as I bit my knee, trying to get a hold of myself. The pain was so bad that I just wanted to cut it all off. I looked around again and saw that there was nothing else that could help me, and I did the only thing I knew how to do.
I sat there, and took the single most painful fap I had ever taken in my entire life. When I finally went off, the pencil lead, now broken in 3 and covered with what looked like blood came out with the cum. It looked terrible but almost immediately the pain stopped and I just sat there, a failed man, covered in my own cum and blood, and cried silently for about 5 minutes.
Lesson learned: NEVER stick pencil lead down your pee pee hole.