Ñɔɔzɩtʋ hɛkʋ taa tʋkaɣ

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SFLord (ndɔncɔɔlɩyɛ | tambasɩ)
Added name, portrait, country of residence, occupation and dates and places of birth and death.
SFLord (ndɔncɔɔlɩyɛ | tambasɩ)
Aucun résumé des modifications
Caŋa 8:
|Ɛ-ɖɩlʋlɩyɛ = Tikrit, Upper Mesopotamia, Abbasid Caliphate, [[Irakɩ (Irak)|Irakɩ]]
|E-efemiye kɩlʋlɩyɛ = pɩnaɣ 1137
|Ɛ-ɖɩsɩbɩyɛ = [[Tamasɩ (Damas)|Tamasɩ]], [[Siirii (Syrie)|Siirii]], Ayyubid Sultanate
|E-efemiye kɩsɩbɩyɛ = [[Lakɩŋ fenaɣ]] kɩyakʋ 4 n̄ɩŋgʋ wiye, pɩnaɣ 1193
|E-nesi ñɩɣʋ =